Makan-makan yukkkkkkk .....
Sebelumnya, nggak pernah ada masalah atau sebingung ini dalam memilih judul entry. Photo bercerita, Luper Mountain, Gatheringan (pakai 'an) atau apa yaaaa ... ??? Setelah melihat2 kembali photo2 yang ada, langsung mantap menorehkan judul, apalagi kalau bukan yang berhubungan dengan makanan, jadi,
"Makan-makan yukkkkk .....!"Ini dinikmati dulu, yang pasti sate Padang memang sangat-sangat menggiurkan. So yummmyyyyyyy ... !!!
Hidangan yang ada ; sate Padang dengan bahan2 daging, lidah, jantung dan hati, dengan bumbunya yang enak2 berlendir itu ... bisa membayangkan kan ? ;) Didampingi dengan peran pembantu dan para figuran : Tom yum soup (haiyahhh ... dari mana ini, kesasar ya ?), lontong sayur, teri+kacang, gulai kambing+telur puyuh, tempe+udang masak tauco, grilled chicken, grilled turkey sausage, telur balado, es buah+agar, pisang goreng, aneka sus (ada yang isi vla, lapis coklat di atasnya dan rougut ayam+cabe rawit utuh, ice cream dan cake. Saya hanya membuat tom yum sou dan sate hati ... plus printil2 kecil lainnya ... tapi yang lain, ternyata pintar masak ... malu saya. Untungnya saya pintar makannya !
Ceritanya :
Sabtu kemarin, kami ber-10 (Ralph, Mbak Ben, Ani & Adi <- kok cuma beda huruf tengahnya ya?, Maudy & Reuben, saya penggemar sate Padang sejati, suami merangkap baby sit yang baik selama saya sibuk dengan tusuk2 sate dan lainnya, Haneef dan Rayhan pergi ke Luper Mountain, yang memakan waktu lebih kurang 1.5 jam).
Sesampainya di cabin yang dipinjamakan ke Ralph oleh pemiliknya, kami langsung sibuk2 di dapur dan siap2 untuk membakar sate Padang yang telah terbayang2 dari rumah.
Acara hari itu, makan ... makan dan makan, hiking, menikmati view yang memang bagus, main2 di dekat pond depan cabin, hiking, makan lagi, ngobrol2 dan makan2 lagi ...
Hi guys ... thank you so very much for the wonderful time we had yesterday. Miss you, already. Kumpul2 berikutnya sebentar lagi kan ??? ;)Selagi sama2 ... kami berikan surprise kecil untuk Haneef yang berulang tahun ke-7, tanggal 4 Juni yang lalu.
Happy Birthday
Happy birthday, Haneef ...I can not believe you are 7 years-old today. Seems like just yesterday you were a little baby, and now ... you are almost as tall as mommy (dasar mommynya piyek yah ? *lol*).
No matter how much older you get, you will always be my baby, my little pumpkin ...
May Allah guide you through your development as you grow older and face new challenges. May Allah give you a long life and help you to become a good person who will care for and help others. We pray that you will get a good education and have a good life as you grow to be a fine young man. We pray also that you will continue to be a good example to your younger brother as well as other growing young people.
Just as other parents, we pray that you live up to high standards of values and principles all through life.As for birthday celebration, we did't really invite his friend over to share birthday cake and probably ice cream since his birthday is in June which means summer break for his school friends. There are many kids his age in our neigborhood, but it seems that they are visiting their grandparents or are out of state for summer break. Perhaps it is the downside of living in an area where our neighbors are mostly from other states. Maybe some originally from Tennessee, but they may live farther and we do not really know them well. Insha Allah, we can celebrate his next birthday with our family in Indonesia, sharing happines with his cousins and family just like when he was 2 years old.
Yesterday afternoon, we went to Toys 'r us to get two different toys for present, some summer shirts and pants ... and of course we stopped by to get his favorite birthday cake, chocolate cake. We don't really like birthday cake that they sell in many stores here. They look pretty and colourful, mostly in big size and different shapes, but for the taste, for me ... not good or I can say, these cakes are not smooth and their icing seems too sweet. And the food coloring, sometimes it stays on your tongue or fingers for quite a while. And it makes stains on kids' clothes too, if they aren't really careful. So ... we went to this 'Fresh Market' that carries fresh produce, good food and delicious bakery and, of course, cakes. Their bakery and cakes seems to be of European style or I can say ... much different from what other stores carry here. They are so yummy ! I chose medium Belgian chocolate cake which happens to be Haneef's favorite cake ... and, of course, some pastry for myself. Chocolate croissant, here I come !
*maruk*Today is his birthday. We plan to just stay home and later this afternoon ask Haneef to make doa on his birthday. Have some yummy chocolate cake and ice cream too. Watching TV while kids are playing with the presents.
Happy birthday son !!!